Market Finance

Market finance refers to the sector of finance that involves the trading of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and currencies. It plays a crucial role in the allocation of resources in the economy and helps in the efficient distribution of capital to different sectors.

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Introduction to Market Finance Training

Market finance is the branch of finance conducted through financial markets. These marketplaces can include stock exchanges like regulated markets, over-the-counter (OTC) markets, as well as markets for various financial assets such as currencies, interest rates, and commodities.

Introduction to Corporate and Investment Banking Training

Corporate and Investment Banks (CIBs) provide services and develop financial products aimed at governments, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals. Studying CIBs is essential to understand the functioning of the financial world and the needs of businesses.

Cornering a market Notice

Cornering a market is an economic strategy aimed at acquiring all or most of a category of resources or goods that make up a market, in order to cause scarcity and drive up prices.

The term originates from the English phrase "cornering the market," which refers to manipulating a market by controlling the supply and sales to artificially create a situation of shortage in a sector, and then reselling the goods at significantly higher prices.

French Bearer form securities Notice

A french bearer security is a financial instrument where ownership is presumed to belong to the holder of the physical (or dematerialized) certificate. The issuing entity does not record the holder or the transfer of the security from one holder to another in its register. The presentation of coupons (physically detached in the case of a physical security) triggers the payment of subsequent financial flows by the issuer.

Collateralized fund obligation (CFO) Notice

Collateralized fund obligations (CFOs) backed by private equity fund assets or hedge fund assets are bond securities similar to collateralized debt obligation (CDO), except that they are based not on cash flows from "traditional" debt obligations, but on interest payments tied to the performance of a pool of hedge funds or private equity funds.

Bonds redeemable in shares (Obligations remboursables en actions - ORA) are a type of hybrid financial instrument commonly used in France. These bonds give the issuer the option to repay the debt by delivering a predetermined number of shares instead of cash. This feature provides the issuer with more flexibility and can be advantageous under certain market conditions.

Financial Market infrastructure Training

Cash movements and securities transfers must be secured to ensure the integrity of the interbank system. From the eurozone perspective, this training aims to introduce learners to market infrastructure concepts: cash and securities settlement, technological platforms (SEPA, ESES, T2, T2S…), Swift messaging, central securities depositories (CSD), financial intermediaries, clearinghouses...

Approved as a central securities depository (CSD) on October 2, 2018, by the Autorité des marchés financiers (the French financial market authority), ID2S has finally abandoned its ambitions in the field of securities services.

The new player had voted for its early dissolution on September 30, 2021, and had requested the withdrawal of its approval from the AMF. This withdrawal was confirmed by the regulator on March 29th of this year.


Coronavirus: SFTR Reporting... Postponed! Article


The European regulation known as "SFTR" (Securities Financing Transactions Regulation) aims to legally regulate securities financing transactions that involve at least one European counterparty. This regulation represents a significant and ambitious advancement in financial security and transparency. The "reporting" component of the regulation was built on a technically phased implementation schedule that had already been tested by Brexit.