
“In matters of divorce, evidence can be provided by any means [...]. The judge can only exclude a piece of evidence from the proceedings if it was obtained through violence or fraud” (Court of Cassation, 1st Civil Chamber, June 17, 2009, no. 07-21.796).

The evidence used by spouses must meet the obligation of fairness. Thus, a spouse cannot submit to the court “a piece of evidence that was obtained through violence or fraud” (Article 259-1 of the French Civil Code).


In the course of our delegated management of IT stocks, we have become increasingly aware of the growing mental burden on lawyers as they manage their firm. IT management can indeed be a complex task for legal professionals, who often have significant professional responsibilities, particularly in France and more generally in Europe (GDPR, AML-CFT, RIN...). This management also intertwines with the handling of paper documents, which have not completely disappeared from law firms (processing originals, signing private deeds, manual handover, etc.).


Approved as a central securities depository (CSD) on October 2, 2018, by the Autorité des marchés financiers (the French financial market authority), ID2S has finally abandoned its ambitions in the field of securities services.

The new player had voted for its early dissolution on September 30, 2021, and had requested the withdrawal of its approval from the AMF. This withdrawal was confirmed by the regulator on March 29th of this year.



The European regulation known as "SFTR" (Securities Financing Transactions Regulation) aims to legally regulate securities financing transactions that involve at least one European counterparty. This regulation represents a significant and ambitious advancement in financial security and transparency. The "reporting" component of the regulation was built on a technically phased implementation schedule that had already been tested by Brexit.