Work with IdeoLegis

Participate in the digital transformation and support of liberal or regulated professions.


Comfortable with one or more programming languages (php, python, javascript, VBA...), the programmer materializes client projects based on predefined constraints. Versatile, they also work on internal projects and keep up with new technology stacks while maintaining their key skills.

Types of intervention:
Business Consultant

The 'business' consultant represents our clients' needs. They formalize client expectations and connect with development functions. Comfortable with PowerPoint and Excel, they are also responsible for post-delivery follow-up and, if necessary, training related to our services.

Types of intervention:
Specialized Secretaries

Specialized secretaries interface not only with partner professionals for their functional needs but also with their clients in the context of outsourcing secretarial functions. Proactive, they know how to overcome technical and operational challenges.

Types of intervention:
ResearchArticlesLegal Design

An Ideal Environment

IdéoLégis implements the most favorable working environment possible for the creativity and well-being of its employees.:

  • Telework up to 50% of working hours;
  • Attractive bonuses;
  • Customization of the workspace:
    • In terms of IT accessories;
    • In terms of decoration;
    • Chairs, layouts...

Unique Incentives

Increase your income by participating in training and publication missions related to your activity, without impacting your fixed salary.


Eligible employees can participate in the 'trainer' program, allowing them to conduct training missions alongside their core activity, with attractive bonuses.


Participate in stimulating consulting missions while increasing your variable compensation.

See Our Job Offers

IdéoLégis may also have specific recruitment needs, as its team is multidisciplinary: programmers, designers, assistants, etc...
